Star description record

Be star :z Her Jaschek & Egret, 1982, IAUS 98, 261
Category :classical Be
HD number :162732
Coordinates :17 50 03.34 +48 23 38.96 (2000)van Leeuwen, 2007, A&A 474, 653
B Magnitude :6.653 Simbad database, CDS
V magnitude :6.89 ±0.009 Oja, 1991, A&AS 89, 415
J Magnitude :6.854 ±0.024 Cutri, Skrutskie, van Dyk et al., 2003, 2MASS All Sky Catalog of point sources
H Magnitude :6.913 ±0.027 Cutri, Skrutskie, van Dyk et al., 2003, 2MASS All Sky Catalog of point sources
K Magnitude :6.947 ±0.018 Cutri, Skrutskie, van Dyk et al., 2003, 2MASS All Sky Catalog of point sources
Spectral type :Bpshe Simbad database, CDS
vsini :159 ±24 km/sAbt, Levato & Grosso, 2002, ApJ 573, 359
Distance :292 [267-321] pcvan Leeuwen, 2007, A&A 474, 653
Radial velocity :-16.3 ±2 km/sWilson, 1953, General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities